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AF 35mm F1.8 FE
新しいAF35mm F1.8 FEをお楽しみください!多くの人に愛されているフルフレーム、ミラーレスSony Eマウント対応『Tiny』レンズシリーズにコンパクトなサイズと軽量、F1.8大口径を誇る35mmレンズを追加しました。携帯性に優れ、室内外の日常のスナップや街の風景など、様々な被写体を撮影するのに適しています。

Tiny but All-Around
SAMYANG(サムヤン)のAF35mm F1.8 FEは、ストリートフォトグラファー、Vロガー、インスタグラマーなど、軽量でコンパクトだが優れた結果を生み出すレンズが必要なユーザーのために設計されました。F1.8と35mmの画角で、いつでもどこでも背景と被写体を同時に収めるのに優れています。静かで正確なオートフォーカスとトラッキング機能で静止画や動画にお勧めです。
明るいF1.8レンズは重量210g、直径65mm、長さ63.5mmと超軽量。Sony Eマウントフルフレームミラーレスカメラに対応する超軽量『Tiny』レンズシリーズの1つです。画像周辺部まで解像力に優れ、携帯性と高解像度画像を同時に満たしたいストリートフォトグラファーやVロガー、インスタグラマーの方に理想的なレンズです。非球面レンズを使用して、収差を効果的に抑制します。
Custom Switchに享受する両手の楽しみ
Custom Switchを装着、撮影と操作がさらに直感的かつ簡単になりました。Custom Switchを通したAperture Control Mode又はMF Modeに切り替える事で、撮影において好みのモードを選択することができます。今後、ファームウェアを更新し、より多くの機能を追加する予定です。
今オートフォーカスは、画像をどれだけ正確かつすばやくキャプチャできるかだけでなく、どれだけ静かでなめらかかを考慮する必要があります。新しく研究開発されたLinear STM(Stepping Motor)は、大きくて重い焦点レンズグループを、より静かで正確に制御するため、写真や動画で優れた画質を提供しています
AF35mm F1.8 FEは4カ所に生活防水処理されているため、完璧でない条件でもキレイな画像を収めることができるように、軽いほこりや、雨、雪からレンズを保護します。
Technical Information
Model name
AF 35mm F1.8 FE
Aperture range
F1.8 ~ 22
Lens optical construction
10 Elements in 8 Groups
Special lens
ASP 2, HR 2
Minium focusing distance
0.29m (0.95ft)
Maginification ratio
X 0.17
Filter size
Maximum Diameter(mm)
Number of blades
Sony FE
Angle of view
Full Frame
63.5 mm / 2.5 in
210g / 7.4oz
Weather Sealing
AF/MF mode switch
AF Motor
Linear STM
- MTF Chart

- Optical Construction

Model name | AF 35mm F1.8 FE | |
Aperture range | F1.8 ~ 22 | |
Lens optical construction | 10 Elements in 8 Groups | |
Special lens | ASP 2, HR 2 | |
Coating | UMC | |
Minium focusing distance | 0.29m (0.95ft) | |
Maginification ratio | X 0.17 | |
Filter size | Φ58.0mm | |
Maximum Diameter(mm) | Φ65.0mm | |
Number of blades | 9 | |
Mount | Sony FE | |
Angle of view | Full Frame | 63.6˚ |
APS-C | 43.8˚ | |
Length | 63.5 mm / 2.5 in | |
Weight | 210g / 7.4oz | |
Weather Sealing | V | |
AF/MF mode switch | V | |
AF Motor | Linear STM |



AF 35mm F1.8 FE
The Samyang AF 35mm F1.8 is a fantastic addition to the lineup of Sony lenses available. Its autofocus performance and image quality are all excellent, and testing this lens has been a joy.
ShotKit -
3 types of AF 35mm lenses
[DE] Here are 3 Samyang AF35mm lenses. I especially like AF 35mm F1.8 FE the most! I recommend the F2.8 for street photos, the F1.8 for portraits, and the F1.4 for high resolution photos.
Michael Ziegann -
AF 35mm F1.8 FE
[FR] This compact and light lens offers outstanding sharpness, fast and pleasant autofocus, and comfortable custom switch. Distortions and chromatic aberrations are well controlled as well.
Les Numeriques -
5 types of XP Series lenses
Enjoy the best manual focus lenses for high resolution cameras with Samyang XP! The XP series is designed for eXPerts to deliver eXcellence in Performance.
Digital Camera World -
AF 35mm F1.8 FE
This super tiny and light lens is really convenient for travel or daily shoot. It' the perfect combination with the small and lightweight camera, especially with the Sony a7c.
Julia Trotti -
AF 35mm F1.8 FE
AF 35mm F1.8 FE in Samyang Tiny Series is small and light with good autofocus and outstanding sharpness. Compared to the rival brand's AF 35mm F1.8, the Samyang offers surprising better image quality.
Lensvid -
AF 35mm F1.8 FE
AF 35mm F1.8 FE is small and lightweight but the versatile lens. Its AF performance is awesome and it has beautiful bokeh and useful weaher sealing and custom switch.
Pantip -
AF 35mm F1.8 FE
AF 35mm F1.8 FE delivers incredibly sharp images, and is perfect for a lot of different types of photography, especially if you value portability. This lens, one of the Samyang Tiny Series, would be a perfect match when you have a compact and lightweight full-frame mirrorless camera such as Sony A7C.
SLR Lounge -
AF 35mm F1.8 FE
It's the best lens for the travellers who create videos and photos! It's very small and easy to carry all the time, yet produces amazing images and videos. If you're doing travel vlogs or anything, this would be a no-brainer especially when you're looking for 35mm lens.
Sebastian Dylag -
AF 35mm F1.8 FE
This is a great all-around lens for both video and photos, and shooting a wide range of subjects! It's fantastic for everyday shoots indoor and outdoor like food, people, cityscapes and all kinds of things.
Jussi Alexander -
AF 35mm F1.8 FE
[ES] This is a balanced and bright 35mm lens with f1.8 aperture, with the advantages of the light weight of Samyang AF 35mm F2.8 and the brightness of the AF 35mm F1.4. This lens is compatible with the Sony Full Frame and APS-C cameras.
Javier Letosa -
AF 35mm F1.8 FE
[DE] Samyang AF 35mm F1.8 FE is smaller and lighter than other brand's 35mm lens. It has convenient custom switch. For the sharpness, it's sharp and clear even at the edge.
Schiess Stand -
AF 35mm F1.8 FE
This new lens provides outstanding corner-to-corner image quality from a maximum F1.8 aperture. It's 65mm(2.55in) and weighs just 210g(7.4oz).
Christopher Frost -
AF 35mm F1.8 FE
AF 35mm F1.8 FE is exactly the lens I was waiting for. I loved the size and sharpness of the Samyang 35mm 2.8 FE, and I loved the look of the 35mm 1.4 FE. The new lens feels like the perfect mixture of both worlds. One lens for traveling, portrait shooting and street photography.
Maximilian Richter -
AF 35mm F1.8 FE
The Samyang AF 35mm F1.8 FE is definitely a viable alternative to rival brand's more expensive option and seems a far better fit for the countless Sony mirrorless camera owners who are enthusiasts and semi-pros. I love to travel light and this lens suits my needs.
Fstoppers -
AF 35mm F1.8 FE
Samyang AF 35mm F1.8 FE is a very affordable lens, and made for you who want high image quality and brightness in a smooth and light format. This lens is a compact but performs really well just like other Tiny Series lenses.
Cyberphoto -
AF 35mm F1.8 FE
This new AF 35mm F1.8 FE lens is a cracking lens with 35mm lens's advantages and the optical technology of Samyang. It's a 4.5 star lens for the Sony mirrorless full-frame cameras! Highly recommended!
ePhotozine -
AF 35mm F1.8 FE
AF 35mm F1.8 FE is a very affordable, high-quality moderate wide-angle lens for Sony Alpha full-frame mirrorless cameras. It’s undoubtedly very attractive given the fast f/1.8 aperture, sharp results, nice bokeh, great build quality, weather-proofing and the quick and quiet auto-focusing.
Photography Blog
Lens Profile